Yixiao Yu

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Yixiao Yu, PhD Student
NJU theory group
Email: yixiaoyu At smail.nju.edu.cn

About me

I am a first year PhD student in the theory group of NJU. I am adviced by Prof. Jingcheng Liu and Prof. Yitong Yin. I got bachelor's degree from SDU in 2023 where I am adviced by Prof. Haitao Jiang. I'm interested in TCS. I focus on approximate sampling and counting now.


Men Can't Always be Transformed into Mice: Decision Algorithms and Complexity for Sorting by Symmetric Reversals

with Xin Tong, Ziyi Fang, Haitao Jiang, Lusheng Wang, Binhai Zhu and Daming Zhu

COCOON 2023 conference version, arxiv version